Two days ago when we boarded the boat to Lake Titikaka, we thought someone stole our luggage. We were told to leave our luggage on a spot as soon as we got on board and took our seats. We thought they would take it to the storage area as there was no room in our seats to accommodate it. We had a great time meeting the people from around the world while cruising to the Amantani Island. When we got there, we got off the boat and waited to be assigned to a family to house us for the night. It was then we realized that we still have not claimed our luggage. When asked the tour guide, he asked if we did not have it all these time? Our first thought was "wow, the thieves in Peru are so quick and ruthless. They would steal things from the boat?" There was no valuable in the luggage except chargers and basic necessities such as tooth brush and under wear. We had to wait till everyone had been assigned before the guide could help us to go back to the boat to search for it. After a careful look, we finally found it on a well hidden away spot. Someone must have moved it there without telling us. What a relief!! Our hearts had a good workout that day :)
Wow what a scare !