Saturday, May 30, 2015

George Town - Penang

Another hot and humid day in Penang. The blazing sun and humidity are so much more obvious when we explored the city on foot. We only walked a few hours and our energy was gone. We returned to our hotel to rest in the mid day and went out again in early evening. This has never happened before as Commander Wu will keep charging on for a full day and only return to the hotel at night. I think we are getting older or that our adjustment to the heat and humidity is declining. 

There are many Street Art in George Town and people all want to post in front for pics. I did my share as well :)

We tried many local food and ate like locals - standing on the side street, with hot temperature and busy traffic. I just hope that our system can adjust to all these new food and (germs?).  Preston has bounced back to his normal self after rested an entire day at the hotel yesterday. So thankful. 

Heading to the Perhentian Island tomorrow morning for beach and snorkeling. 


  1. Food looks very yummy ! Glad to know that Person is back on his feet.

  2. Food looks very yummy ! Glad to know that Person is back on his feet.

  3. Food looks very yummy ! Glad to know that Person is back on his feet.
