Monday, May 16, 2016

Minoan Archaeological Site

The Minoan civilization flourished from approxately 3650 to 1400 BC with their unique art and architecture. It's history could be traced far back as the Neolithic (Stone Age) from 7000 BC. The Minoan made a significant contribution to the development of Western European civilization.  No one knows for certainty what exactly caused the fall of the Minoan civilization. Some speculated volcanic explosion, earth quake while some recent scholars argued that it was due to internal strive that have led to the collapse world of Minoans.

The home of this once thriving civilization is located on the Crete Island. The palace at Knossos was the site that we visited. It was vast and elaborate, with Europe's first paved roads and running water. Some of the frescoes were well preserved, particularly those of the dolphins and bulls. 

After the site, we drove to a winery that is located 400 m above sea level. The roads leading to the winery was very narrow and uphill. I can't imagine how two cars can pass by each other. The owner gave us a personal tour on how his wines were made. He also produces extra virgin olive oil from the olive trees that have been growing for 4 generations on his vineyard. The red wine was really good. He also produces "sweet wine" like our ice wine. We bought a few bottles. He packaged for us so they should be secure and safe to put in the luggage. We will sip this nice wine in the summer on our wharf while reminient the trip. "Yamas" = cheers!!

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